Plug-in Samples

Plug-in samples for Bakin's plug-ins are available.
Plug-in samples will be added in the future.

Introduce Steam "Achievements" into the Game

  1. Subscribe the .csrbr file in the Steam Workshop and import it. See Steam Workshop for more information on this process.
  2. In Bakin, place an event that you want to trigger the unlocking of an achievement, and click on the "C# Program Assignment" field in the lower left corner of the event sheet for that event.
  3. Click the "Add" button and select Achievement_Sample_SmileBoom_2023.csrbr. Achievement.cs will be added to the list.
  4. Select Achievement.cs and click "Edit". The editor associated with Visual Studio or .cs will launch.
  5. Replace "AppID" with your game's "AppID" and "TEST" with your game's "Achievement ID".
  6. Save after editing and click OK to close the "C# Program Assignment" field.
  7. Open steam_appid.txt in Windows Explorer under the "Script folder" generated in your project folder.
  8. Replace the "AppID" in steam_appid.txt with the "AppID" of your game and save the file.
  9. In Bakin, place the "Call C# Program" panel in the event to which you have just assigned Achievement.cs and select the Add method.

Multiple events can be placed in the game to assign this plug-in to unlock achievements.

Temporarily Hide the Message Window

  1. Subscribe the .csrbr file in the Steam Workshop and import it.
    See Steam Workshop for more information on this process.
  2. Click on the "C# Program Assignment" field in the lower left corner of the event sheet for the event for which you want to use this function.
  3. Click the "Add" button and select HideMessage_Sample_SmileBoom_2023. When HideMessage.cs is added to the list, click OK to close the "C# Program Assignment" field.
  4. Place a "Call C# Program" panel in the event and specify the Hide or Show method.

Get the Item's Attack Power

  1. Subscribe the .csrbr file in the Steam Workshop and import it.
    See Steam Workshop for more information on this process.
  2. Click on the "C# Program Assignment" field in the lower left corner of the event sheet for the event for which you want to use this function.
  3. Click the "Add" button and select CodeSamples_SmileBoom_2023.csrbr.
  4. Select CodeSamples.cs added to the list and click the "Edit" button. The editor associated with Visual Studio or .cs will launch.
  5. Edit the part written in the above plug-in sample as follows.
    Enter the name of the item to be obtained in the "Item Name" part.
    The value to be obtained can be changed by rewriting the "Attack" part after "Item_Name".
    See the following article for a list of properties that can be specified.
    (For example, Price to obtain the price.)
    Plug-in Reference
  6. Save after editing and click OK to close the "C# Program Assignment" field.
  7. Place a "Call C# Program" panel in the event and specify the method. Specify a variable to store the value.
    If not changed, "GetAttackPower" will be the method name.

Get the Cast's Initial HP

  1. Subscribe the .csrbr file in the Steam Workshop and import it.
    See Steam Workshop for more information on this process.
  2. Click on the "C# Program Assignment" field in the lower left corner of the event sheet for the event for which you want to use this function.
  3. Click the "Add" button and select CodeSamples_SmileBoom_2023.csrbr.
  4. Select CodeSamples.cs added to the list and click the "Edit" button. The editor associated with Visual Studio or .cs will launch.
  5. Edit the part written in the above plug-in sample as follows.
    Enter the name of the cast to be obtained in the "Cast Name" part.
    The value to be obtained can be changed by rewriting the HP part.
    See the following article for a list of properties that can be specified.
    Plug-in Reference
  6. Save after editing and click OK to close the "C# Program Assignment" field.
  7. Place a "Call C# Program" panel in the event and specify the method. Specify a variable to store the value.
    If not changed, "GetInitialHP" will be the method name.

Get the Current HP of the nth Member from the First in the Party

You can find the code in CodeSample.cs in the .csrbr below.

  1. Subscribe the .csrbr file in the Steam Workshop and import it.
    See Steam Workshop for more information on this process.
  2. Click on the "C# Program Assignment" field in the lower left corner of the event sheet for the event for which you want to use this function.
  3. Click the "Add" button and select CodeSamples_SmileBoom_2023.csrbr. When CodeSamples.cs is added to the list, click OK to close the "C# Program Assignment" field.
  4. Place a "Call C# Program" panel in the event and specify the method. Specify a variable to store the value.
    If not changed, "GetPartyHP" will be the method name.

Rotate an Event with Quaternion

Rotation amount quat can also be generated by CreateFromYawPitchRoll and other methods. See below for details.

  1. Subscribe the .csrbr file in the Steam Workshop and import it.
    See Steam Workshop for more information on this process.
  2. Click on the "C# Program Assignment" field in the lower left corner of the event sheet for the event for which you want to use this function.
  3. Click the "Add" button and select CodeSamples_SmileBoom_2023.csrbr. When CodeSamples.cs is added to the list, click OK to close the "C# Program Assignment" field.
  4. Place a "Call C# Program" panel in the event and specify the method. Specify the rotation angle.
    If not changed, "RotateEvent" will be the method name.

Change the Color of the Area Where the Player is Hidden by Obstacles

  1. Subscribe the .csrbr file in the Steam Workshop and import it.
    See Steam Workshop for more information on this process.
  2. Click on the "C# Program Assignment" field in the lower left corner of the event sheet for the event for which you want to use this function.
  3. Click the "Add" button and select CodeSamples_SmileBoom_2023.csrbr.
  4. Select CodeSamples.cs added to the list and click the "Edit" button. The editor associated with Visual Studio or .cs will launch.
  5. Edit the part written in the plug-in sample as follows:
    Enter the color codes for the parameters (0, 0, 1, 1 part) in the order of R, G, B, and A, each with a value between 0 and 1.
    With the values as in the plug-in sample, the color of the hidden area is "blue".
    (Note that in this case the color code is for OpenGL, so it is 0 to 1.)
  6. Save after editing and click OK to close the "C# Program Assignment" field.
  7. Place a "Call C# Program" panel in the event and specify the method.
    If not changed, "ChangeHiddenStencilColor" will be the method name.

Draw a Line on the Screen

  1. Subscribe the .csrbr file in the Steam Workshop and import it.
    See Steam Workshop for more information on this process.
  2. Click on the "C# Program Assignment" field in the lower left corner of the event sheet for the event for which you want to use this function.
  3. Click the "Add" button and select CodeSamples_SmileBoom_2023.csrbr.
  4. Select CodeSamples.cs added to the list and click the "Edit" button. The editor associated with Visual Studio or .cs will launch.
  5. Edit the part written in the plug-in sample as follows:
    The starting position, ending position, and color of the line are specified by parameters.
    Parameters (values in parentheses) represent (x1, y1, x2, y2, colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA), respectively; the color code for RGBA must be in the range "0 to 255".
  6. Save after editing and click OK to close the "C# Program Assignment" field.
  7. Place a "Call C# Program" panel in the event and specify the method. Specify a variable to store the value.
    If not changed, "DrawLine" will be the method name.

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Last-modified: 2023-09-20 (Wed) 03:30:17